News Release | October 29, 2017
Wilderness Survival Merit Badge Campout

Located at Springwater Ranch, 14 boys and 5 adults from troop 416 went on a campout to earn the Wilderness Survival merit badge, one of the 21 Eagle Scout required merit badges.
The campout went from Friday, Oct. 20 to Sunday, Oct. 22, 2017.
Activities during this campout included cleaning a chicken, cooking a chicken without a stove, lighting a fire without a lighter, build and sleep in a shelter, and learning how to survive in any environment.
The Scouts learned an unplanned lesson during the survival merit badge campout. The survival merit badge campout was very windy, one of the patrol dining flies was picked up by the wind, carried across the campsite, and landed on top of one of the tents, the lesson they learned was always stake down your tent, or in this case, dining fly.
All of the classes this weekend were taught by older, experienced Scouts in Troop 416 rather than from the adult leaders.
Prepared by troop Historian, Bo McFadden