News Release | August 10, 2017
Summer 2017 New Mexico Hike Was a Blast!

Beautiful! Great! Wonderful! Excellent! Difficult!
All these adjectives and more were used to describe the 2017 New Mexico hike in Valle Vidal and Carson National Forest where all participants reached the summit of Wheeler Peak, over 12,000 feet elevation.
This hike is often the highlight of Troop 416 Scouts, and it’s made possible by Scoutmaster Emeritus Mr. Terry Hairston. It’s an adventure that has to be earned by those who have proven their camping and hiking skills over time. At the summit this year, the temperature was 48 degrees with winds gusting 10-20 mph. As we hiked down from the highest point in New Mexico, the temperature dropped rapidly and clouds enveloped us as sleet pelted us for 45 minutes.