News Release | September 1, 2015
Springwater Ranch Campout kicks off new Scout year

The full moon and better-than-average weather contributed to a great Troop 416 campout August 27-29, 2015 at Springwater Ranch in Rankin County.
Saturday morning was filled with senior Scouts teaching rank advancement, and seven Scouts completed enough to earn their next rank!
An afternoon of free time had boys fishing, hiking and generally exploring the woods while many chose to play a competitive ultimate frisbee game.
The six adults who camped out did all the cooking for the 18 boys – a treat that doesn’t happen often as the boys are typically responsible for their own patrols’ meals during campouts.
A late-night hike took place where the Scoutmaster told the tale – a true story – of the Witch of Springwater Lake who comes out during full moons looking for her lost children.