News Release | December 18, 2016
Sipsey Hike 2016

Dec. 16-18 , 2016
Recently thirteen Scouts and five adult leaders from troop 416 as well as a group from Memphis embarked on a hike through the Sipsey Wilderness. The first night, they split into two groups to start the hike from different trailheads, and everyone hike to the same place for camping, arriving around 2:00 a.m.
Saturday morning everyone got up and began hiking to the “Big Poplar.” Eventually we reached a large waterfall where we ate lunch and got more water. The Scouts split, with one group of five Scouts bushwhacking and trail hiking all day until eventually returning the the previous campsite. When they got up Sunday morning they hiked out and back to the cars. Meanwhile the other group turned on a side trail to get a few extra hours of unplanned hiking in before getting to the cars.
in the end the small group went to a local Burger King while the large group spent at least four extra hours hiking. Despite the delay, we all learned a lot about the area and had a lot of fun.