News Release | May 20, 2018
Court of Honor May 2018

The Court of Honor is a biannual event where Scouts who earned them get their badges, some Scouts rank up, and Scouts vote on the next Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (aspl) who will eventually serve as Senior Patrol Leader (spl). In May 2018 there were four candidates for ASPL: Bo, Harris, Caleb, and Ben. These candidates had delivered their speeches in a previous meeting, and one was going to be elected during this event.
The Court of Honor started out with a meal. Many people brought many meals with them, including fried chicken, pizza rolls, dessert, and more! After we all ate, we heard a lecture by a member of the Andrew Jackson Council about all of the fun and exciting activities that you can try in Boy Scouts. After that, we got our badges. Some had one, others had WAY more! With their badges, many ranked up to Life Scout, and two became Eagles.
The final thing we did that night was the election. All four of the candidates stood up, and said their names, and then we voted. We wrote the name of the scout we felt qualified for the role of aspl. When the votes where in, leaders calculated the results. And the next ASPL was Harris.
-By Caleb Germany