News Release | October 2, 2017
Beaver Day activities

Troop 416 participated in Beaver Day activities September 8-9 at Hood Scout Reservation. Beaver Day is a service opportunity where Scouts help make improvements at the camp.
About 10 Scouts attended in addition to the Scout Leaders. Scouts walked to the new waterfront on the night of the campout to see what the improvements looked like. We enjoyed the Mountain Man casserole cooked in Dutch Ovens for breakfast. That’s sausage, cheese and eggs (we skipped the hash browns).
The day’s work included demolition of the wooden sidewalk in front of an admin building, cleaned up around several campsites, preparing them for upcoming campers. We cleaned out a ditch, using two shovels, where water had backed up. Then we went to campsite 14 and had to find a leak in water pipes. We dug a hole about 2 feet deep and 4 feet in diameter and found the leaking water so Camp staff could work on the major repair.
-prepared with Historian Bo McFadden