About Troop 416
We strive to live the Scout Oath and guide others with our leadership and example.
During the school year, we meet on Monday nights when school is in session. We plan campouts each month, either backpacking trips or cooler camps. We also kayak and canoe. During the Summer, we attend a week of Scout Camp and we plan high adventure trips, such as hiking over 13,000 feet in New Mexico.
Scout Oath (or Promise)
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout is
- Trustworthy
- Loyal
- Helpful
- Friendly
- Courteous
- Kind
- Obedient
- Cheerful
- Thrifty
- Brave
- Clean
- Reverent
Outdoor Code for Scouts BSA
As an American, I will do my best to —
- Be clean in my outdoor manners.
- I will treat the outdoors as a heritage. I will take care of it for myself and others. I will keep my trash and garbage out of lakes, streams, fields, woods, and roadways.
- Be careful with fire.
- I will prevent wildfire. I will build my fires only when and where they are permitted and appropriate. When I have finished using a fire, I will make sure it is cold out. I will leave a clean fire ring or remove all evidence of my fire.
- Be considerate in the outdoors.
- I will treat the land and other land users with respect. I will follow the principles of outdoor ethics for all outdoor activities.
- Be conservation-minded.
- I will learn about and practice good conservation of soil, waters, forests, minerals, grasslands, wildlife and energy. I will urge others to do the same.
If you’re asking yourself, “Why should we get involved with Boy Scouts?” think about what you would like your son to be when he grows up—and those 12 words. We are involved because we want our sons—and other boys—to reap these benefits of Scouting.
Welcome! We’re glad to have you join us on our Scouting journey!